Friday, December 21, 2012

the new american immigrants

link to a quiz

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

labor unions emerge page 67

1)Based upon what I have read, labor unions were good because they tried to make good working conditions pay the workers more and stop child labor.

2)The triangle shirtwaist company was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because they jumped out of the window of a nine story building to not be burned to death. These deaths could have been prevented if they had better working conditions.

3)Monopolists did not want unions because because they did not like how they were trying to pay the workers more and for less hours. Union members did not like scabs because they put themselves in danger for less money then the original pay.

Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they gave dignity and solidarity to unskilled workers even the african americans.

Friday, December 14, 2012

hopelessly bound to the stake

                                                            link to website were this picture is found

                                                             quotes from reading website 

"laborers were inevitably bound to their company through debt."

"the poor were stuck in a rut."

"These unions fought for better working conditions, higher wages, and shorter work days."

o What are three pieces of information you chose?
A) i chose these three quotes becasue it showed how the workers were always doing the same thing and how the unionists wanted to change that. 

o Were labor unions necessary? Why?
A) unions were necessary because they were helping the workers by trying to get them more pay less work and no child labor.

o Did the government help make monopolies? How?
A) yes because they were making laws weak and they didnt deal with the people.

o How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed?
A) money and politics made this cartoon because the poor people didnt get  a say in what they wanted and they tycoons always made the decision.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

are the old bosses still in charge?

Q:  What is the setting of the cartoon?
A) The setting in this cartoon is the house of the senate. the senators are sitting down and it is bi-cameral with the house of representatives.
Q: what entrance is open and what entrance is closed?
A)  The monopolists door is open and the people's door is closed. i dont think it is right that the people's door is closed because they are the one's that voted for them
Q: who do you think the large men at the back of the room represent?
A) the men in the back of the room represent all the monopolists because they want to make the laws that effect them weak.
Q: why would the large men be in the room in the first place?
A) the large men wouold be in the room because they wanted to influence the senators mind about how strong they made the laws.

people feel like the congress doesnt support them because all they really care about is the people who make more money then everyone else. everyone else doesnt really matter because they dont make as much money and they wont get as much say as everyone else just because of money.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

rise of the industies and monopolies

1) what were the three main causes of industrial growth in america?
A) the three main causes of industrial growth in america were natural resources, government support, and urban population.

monopolies and trusts during america's early industrial age created unequal rights for their workers because they worked long hours and for not a lot of money. the monopolists believed in social darwinism which