Friday, December 14, 2012

hopelessly bound to the stake

                                                            link to website were this picture is found

                                                             quotes from reading website 

"laborers were inevitably bound to their company through debt."

"the poor were stuck in a rut."

"These unions fought for better working conditions, higher wages, and shorter work days."

o What are three pieces of information you chose?
A) i chose these three quotes becasue it showed how the workers were always doing the same thing and how the unionists wanted to change that. 

o Were labor unions necessary? Why?
A) unions were necessary because they were helping the workers by trying to get them more pay less work and no child labor.

o Did the government help make monopolies? How?
A) yes because they were making laws weak and they didnt deal with the people.

o How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed?
A) money and politics made this cartoon because the poor people didnt get  a say in what they wanted and they tycoons always made the decision.

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