Tuesday, February 12, 2013

post ww1 in the united states

1) Describe the feeling many people had after world war 1
A) They were exhausted, tired of all the changes that were being made, angry about unemployment and farmers and factory owners suffering

2) What were some reactions by americans to their post-WWI feelings?
A) They were afraid and they practiced isolationism. They were afraid because they did not want to deal with other countries problems.

3) What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do the raids?
A) The Palmer raids were done because Palmer tried to acomplish the elimination of political radicals.

4) What did the KKK fear? did their membership grow in the 1920's
A) The KKK feared that the immigrants were going to take over their country and their membership did grow.

5) What was the quota system?
A) The quota system was a law that established maximum number of people who could enter the United States from every foreign nation

6) Was the quota system discrimitatory? if yes to whom?
A) Yes it discriminated people from eastern and southern europe mostly towards the jews and catholics.

7) How was mexico affected by the system?
A) It did not apply to to the western hemisphere so almost 500,000 mexicans crossed the nations borders

8) How was japan affected by the quota system?
A) They could not go to the United States at all not just because of the quota system but because of the Gentlemen's Agreement.


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