Friday, March 15, 2013

the great depression - hardships and suffering

1) describe the dust bowl, what caused it?
A) the dust bowl was a drought in the middle part of the U.S and dust was blown up from all of the dead crops  and what had caused it was greed and over growing crops and not having any prarie grass for the drought.

2) describe how TGD affected A) children B) families C) women D) men and E) people of color?
A) it affected children because they were malnurished which lead to health problems and they had to stop going to school.
B) families tried stating strong but broke apart under the stress.
C) women started working outside of the home but it was hard because people thought they had no place in work.
D) men became "hoboes" and left their families because they felt useless.
E)  people of color were the lowest paid and racial violence was rising and some died by being lynched  or hung.

3) who were "hoboes" and how did they travel?
A) hoboes were men who did not or could not get a job and walked around the streets to find some type of money. and they traveled by hitching rides on box cars on the trains.

4) what was an enduring effect on people because of TGD?
A) they never wanted to be poor again.

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